Monday, May 23, 2011

Attention Deficit Disorder

By Dr. Lisa K. Clayton

Although it is one of the most common disorders to affect children, current studies indicate that many adults also suffer from attention deficit disorder. The medical community accepts the realization that ADD impacts adults, although some psychiatrists opt not to treat the condition after the patient reaches adolescence or adulthood. While reports estimate that as many as seven percent of children experience the problems associated with attention deficit disorder, doctors believed until recently that children grew out of the condition as they hit puberty.

Today, however, an increasing number of adults who may have suffered from the condition in childhood, regardless of whether they were diagnosed, exhibit the same issues long after they have reached physical maturity. Some of these people fare well thanks to compensatory techniques they learned during childhood treatment. Others choose a career in which they are able to excel despite such factors as poor attention span and a tendency to be easily distracted.

In addition, if a person with ADD finds a spouse or partner who can manage their home lives efficiently, they generally perform better than an ADD sufferer who must contend alone with day-to-day life at both home and office. Unfortunately, ADD impedes forward momentum for many adults. No matter how much they wish to achieve their goals, they lack the ability to live up to their full potential. Instead, they struggle with completing tasks, staying focused during meetings, and following up on requests from employers or clients. Doctors often diagnose ADD in patients who have suffered for years from such issues as insomnia, which exacerbate the debilitating effects of the condition and can cause additional health problems.

Because ADD presents a number of symptoms, doctors sometimes misdiagnose the condition. For this reason, patients progress most efficiently when they choose an expert in this field of treatment as well as a doctor who can help by prescribing medication when necessary. By looking into the many different options for dealing with attention deficit disorder, those who suffer from it take the first step in eradicating many of the problems that affect their daily lives.